This program handles the Measurement and RunControl. It is an updated version of the one written by Mario DePoli and running under Unix in the HP730.
The Figure shown below is the Ocp Main Window. To see Examples of use go to EXAMPLES.
The first time the program is invoked, Ocp asks the User for the Measurement information. This information can be later changed, but it is requested before writing any data into tape.
After Starting Ocp checks the Histogram Manager and the Tape Manager status. If Ocp is recovering, a warning window will appear.
Also the RU&BU status are checked, if something goes wrong the RUBU Window will appear. The User will KILL&RESTART the RUBU.
The pane on the right-hand side shows tape related data and measurement time related info. Click on the highest pane to switch between them.

Error Rate pane. Shows the tape write error rate of the selected device. Changes colour while the value increases from Green to Orange and Red. If the error rate is greater than 5% the run is stopped.

Tape Written pane. Shows the amount of tape already used. Can be in percent of the full tape or in number of records (32KBytes each). If this number is greater than 97% for a tape, the run of all tapes is stopped and the tape full is unloaded.

Enables Acq. If the Tape is ENABLED the Start Tape Window is activated for each data Stream enabled. The trigger is enabled.

STOP Disables Acq. I.E. the trigger is vetoed. If Tape writing is ENABLED, an EOF will be written and the run numbers incremented.

PAUSE Suspend Acq. The trigger is vetoed. No EOF will be written.

CONTINUE Resume Acq. The trigger is enabled.

RU-BU Status. If green this indicator shows that the RU and BU processes are aligned and in Start. This is different from the indicator in the RUBU Control window, in which only the Aligned status is indicated by the green colour.

MENU Description :

Configure (DAQ Configuration Menu)
Tool Servers (not Used)
Measure... Shows the Measurement Info window.
Acquisition Software. Has 4 submenus.
Experiment Selection ... (Used to handle the Experiment context, that is: Camac definitions, neo++ programs and configurations).
Neo++ Edit & Compile ...
Program Configurator ...
Neo++ Program Loader ...
Neo++ Edit & Compile ...


Start Erase. Erase the on-line spectra when starting acquisition. No erasing is performed on the SPY spectra.
Yes. Perform erase
No. Do not erase.
Check Neo++ OnLine. Check the configured Neo++ instances.
Safe (default). Check if ALL configured Neo++ instances are running.
Debug. Check if at least one is running.
Tape Usage Units
Percent. Shows the tape written in percent of the Tape Length
Records (32KB). Shows the tape written in number of records.
Measure DB Logging (notUsed)


Measure & run Comments
Neo++ Status
RU-BU Control Allow full control of the Readout and Builder Units.
Tape Data Select which Tape Unit status is shown in the Tape panel (right-hand side).


Spectra.Open a new instance of the Spectrum viewer program
Matrix.Open a new instance of the Matrix viewer program.

Execute (not Used)


Start Message Mailer (not Used)
Send Comment to Log DB(not Used)
Send to OnLine
S/S Invalidate
S/S Tape Disable
Send to Analysis
Read Action File
Exit Spy

Tape. Can be used only in the Stop state.

ENABLE Enables Tape storage. Opens the Measurement definition window if no data has been typed.
DISABLE Disables Tape storage
Tape Mount Allow selection of the Tape units to be used and unloading of tapes.


ERASE SPECTRA. Full erase of spectra and matrices
OnLine. Only on-line spectra and matrices are erased
Spy. Only spy spectra and matrices are erased
All. Both on-line and spy spectra and matrices are erased.


Control Panel to TOP Place the Ocp window on Top.
Control Panel to BOTTOM Place the Ocp window at the Bottom.


Measurement Info Definition window

Beam Time Id. This field is dedicated to the LNL PAC beam time id, or any information identifying the experiment.
Reaction Id. This field is dedicated to the Reaction description. Ex: 64Ni+110Pd
Reaction Comment This field is dedicated to a user defined reaction comment. By default the time stamp is supplied the first time the program is invoked.

Experiment Selection window

Current Exp. This Field shows the current experiment name.

Defined Experiments. This field shows all the experiments already defined and archived. Some of the window buttons request to select one first.

Archive Current. Acting on his button copies the actual version of the current on-line program with all related information into the Archive Folder.

Load. This button loads the selected archived experiment into the current experiment Folder.

New/Modify... This button allows defining a completely new experiment or to modify the selected one.

Duplicate... This button creates a new experiment using the selected one as a template.

Delete...Acting on this button deletes the selected experiment from the archived list.

Edit & Compile Window. This window allows editing and compiling of any file belonging to the selected experiment. Most likely it will be a Neo++ source code file, header file or Camac file.

Experiment Field. Shows the selected experiment folder name used for editing and/or Compiling (the folder name is the same as the experiment name).

Browse. Allows selecting the experiment to be Edited and/or Compiled.
Get Current. Selects the current experiment for Editing and/or Compiling. (Default)

Close. Close the current experiment.

Add New. Adds a new experiment layout.

Analysis Field. Shows the analysis program Folder name. Inside this folder is the located the Spy Neo++ program.

Add. Add a new analysis program to the experiment.

Files in Folder Field. This Field shows the files contained in the selected Folder. At the top the on-line and analysis folders related to the experiment. At a lower level the files belonging to the specific on-line or Spy program. Use double clicking to open the selected folder or the BACK button to jump into the higher folder.

Back. Go one step up in the folder hierarchy.

Edit. Open the selected file with Nedit (the default editor).

Make. Make the source program with the optimise option selected in the togglebutton.

Optimise. When this option is selected the compilation time is increased but the acquisition speed is also increased by a factor 2-3. Use this option only after the debugging phase of your Program.

New File field. Type here the name o a new file for editing purposes.

Edit New. Edit the file shown in the field.

Program Configurator Window. This window allows configuring the Neo++ set of programs. At least the on-line part must be declared; zero or more spys can be added. Every program can be instantiated one or more times. In the present Ocp version all instances must run in the gaspux4 CPU. After configuration the user will open the Program Loader window in order to run the configured programs.

Available Programs. Lists all executable codes (on-line and Spy) belonging to the current experiment.

Load All. Load all codes in the configuration field.

Load. Loads only the selected items in the configuration field.

Configuration Field. Show all attributes of the loaded programs. Name, type (on-line or analysis), CPU, number of instances and Status.

Default Config. Configure the programs with the default attributes (the last saved one).

Kill program. Kills all running instances of the selected program.

Delete. Removes the selected program from the bin folder of the experiment

Selected Program field. Shows the selected program to be modified.

Modify. Prepare for modifications the selected program.

Node Names. Not used. Must be gaspux4.

Instances. Number of instances of the selected program to be loaded and run. If you want to check the CPU load, type the Unix top command in a dedicated shell window. Stop top using CRTL C.

Neo++ & Camac Program Loader Window. This window performs the standard procedures of program loading of the Neo++ executable code and related operations. Also the Camac programming is performed using the proper file. The default settings are green coloured.

Code selection. This radiobutton group allows reloading of the Full Neo++ set of programs (Complete Experiment, default) or only the Spy part (Analysis Sections).

Code Loading Mode. This radiobutton group allows selecting whether or not you are loading NEW or recovering already running code (default). The first case is used after a minor correction of the code, the second after a crash of the system.

Load Configured from Source. Means a loading procedure including compiling and make.

Launch Configured. Launch the existing executable code (default).

Clear Selection. Allows reselecting the desired operation.

Unlock Detail Panel. Allows having access to the detailed operations in the upper togglebutton group. Each selection made in the left panel has a default set of choices in the right panel.

Execute. Run the loader procedure with the selected choices.

Run Executable Programs. Launch the configured number of instances of the selected (complete: on-line and spy or analysis: only spy) programs.

Load Camac Setup. Loads the configured Camac file ( located inside the camac folder in the experiment Folder.
The downloading operation lasts about 1 minute and can't be performed if the trigger is active.

Tape Mount Window. This window allows selecting the set of tapes to be used for data storage. Click on the first column of togglebuttons in order to select/deselect the desired Tape units. The Stream number (refers to the corresponding number in the Tape Neo++ object) is assigned by default and shown in the second column fields. The tape length is shown in the third column fields once the tape has been loaded by a Start procedure. The fourth column togglebuttons allows unloading the loaded tapes. This operation is needed if you want to unload a tape before reaching its END OF DATA mark.
Tape Selection. Clicking on the togglebutton selects/deselects the tape. Once selected a stream number is associated to the unit. This number must be referenced in the Neo++ program in order to write data into Tape.

Start Tape Window. This window is opened after the Start if the tape operation has been ENABLED and the Tape Manager is active.
The upper panel of this window reports the Measurement data description. The middle panel summarise the Stream, tape and run numbers plus and allows the manipulation of the last two. Also save of the electronics configuration and tape positioning are available.

Stream Number. Reports the stream number associated to the Tape Unit. Can't be changed.

Tape Number field. Reports the tape number. The value is automatically incremented at every unload command.

Tape Number Increment/Decrement. The Tape number can be incremented/decremented.

Run Number field. Reports the run number. The value is automatically incremented at every Stop command with tape enabled.

Run Number Increment/Decrement. The Run number can be incremented/decremented.

Run Comment. Type here any information useful to describe the data run.

Date Field. The string shows the present date & time that will be used in the record header.

Save Electronics Configuration. Allow saving of the full programmable set-up of the fast electronics. Is automatically selected when tape number and run number are 1.

Beginning of Tape. Allows positioning of the tape at the beginning of tape or at the end of data. The togglebutton is selected after the unload operation.

OK or Next Stream. If only one tape unit is selected this button shows OK as label otherwise NEXT STREAM. Clicking the button produces the following effects:

  1. If the tape is not loaded, a LOAD operation is performed using a T and the tape number as a tape label.
  2. The tape is positioned at the beginning or at the end-of-data mark according with the selected case.
  3. If the file is not opened, a new file is opened using R and the run number as a filename.
  4. If the record header has not been written, a GASP-like record header is written including the source code of the online Neo++ program.
  5. If the button shows OK the measurement is started enabling the trigger via a Camac module command.
  6. If more than one unit is selected, clicking the button updates the window with the data of the next unit values and the procedure returns to step 1.

Cancel. If this button is clicked all the initialised tapes remains in their state, i.e. tapes loaded, files opened and header record written. Only the tape unit connected with the current stream is not updated, and the Start command is not issued.

RUBU Control window. This window allows controlling the Readout and event Builder Units. The first reads the event fragments, while the second builds the event according to the neo++ descriptor, translating every parameter from the ADC binary code to the parameter name. See the sample file event_param.h .

Status field. Every command issued from the window outputs in this field.

Get Status. Show the RU and BU status description.

Get Event. Show the last processed raw block of events. The number of events per block depends on the programming settings of the RU CPU. By default are 100 events per block.

Clear. Clears the Status field.

Network Status. Set of radio controls showing the good/bad status of the RU and BU processes. If the indicators show red colour something is not working properly.

Enable kill. Allows killing both RU and BU processes.

Kill&Restart. Performs kill of the RU and BU processes and restart them from scratch. When the full restart procedure is finished click the Start button.

Start. Start the RU and BU processes. Process status must be 4,0 and the RU-BU Aligned must show green colour.

Tape Management. The full set of tape operations is accessible using this window. To be used only by trained users.